Hello! My name's Tim
I'm frontend developer

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Here's a list of technologies I'm experienced with:

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Sass, SCSS
  • Angular 2+, Typescript, RxJS
  • React, Redux
  • Node.js, Express
  • Git, Jira, Agile

And here's some more about my experience

  • Math school graduation (2013)
  • University graduation, bachelor's degree in nanotechnologies (2017)
  • having classes for student to prepare for university exams (Python as a primary language)
  • successfully finished leadership development internship (2018)
  • working in the IT-One as a developer (January 2021 - current)
Personal CV

My Projects

Please notice that many projects are under NDA so I'm going to provide some that are not and also my personal pet-projects.

Project Title 0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Excepturi neque, ipsa animi maiores repellendus distinctio aperiam earum dolor voluptatum consequatur blanditiis inventore debitis fuga numquam voluptate ex architecto itaque molestiae.

See Live Source Code

Project Title 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Excepturi neque, ipsa animi maiores repellendus distinctio aperiam earum dolor voluptatum consequatur blanditiis inventore debitis fuga numquam voluptate ex architecto itaque molestiae.

See Live Source Code


[Personal contacts]

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